Sunday, October 6, 2019


My name is Kelsey, Some classes I take are AICE Media, AICE Global, Comm Tech Honers, as well as Spanish. I have interest in these classes because they all cover different topics. In AICE media we focus on films and TV shows. I like this class most because I like things that deal with photography and just the environment of producing shows. I particularity like AICE global because I can look at issues from different sides and open my eyes on whats happening in the world and chances we're taking to resolve it. I choose to take comm tech to enhance my computer using skills since that's pretty much the future. Things we do in that class is Adobe Photoshop and editing so I think having those skills will come in handy in the future.
  Some of the interest I have include sports, traveling, as well as business. I play volleyball and have been for the past 6 years and have enjoyed it since day one. I also like watching college sports and rooting for my favorite team, really enjoy the excitement of who's going to win. I really enjoy traveling, in the past year I've gone to New York State , Newfoundland,Canada and previously gone to the Bahamas and visited 35 of the 50 states. Traveling is really enjoyable to me because I can see different cultures and environments. Along with business that's what I want to major in during college. I like knowing the marketing side and how things are sold.
  Disinterests of mine are very little I pretty much enjoy a lot of things. Some would say I'm open minded and down to try anything. Although I'm a picky eater and don't like the woods that much. I even enjoy school for the information and organization, and being with my friends to become successful.

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