Monday, May 4, 2020

Audience and Institution Practice Essay

In relation to film, discuss the ways audience consumption has changed over time

Film and media distribution has changed and adapted to modern society over the past few years. With more streaming services starting, movie theaters and film festivals being closed and postponed due to a pandemic. Having movies only be premiered in accessing movie has become easier with in-home services and a demand to have it in our hands
Movies used to only be available in the theater, then later released onto DVD months after. This worked for the time being back then, society wasn’t in high demand and had the patience to see their favorite movie again. Later streaming services like Netflix offered a monthly fee to watch a bunch of movies and everyone adapted and preferred that method of watching. For example, The live-action Beauty and the Beast was a total hit in the box office making $1.3 billion and dominating making headlines. Once it was done in theaters it was quick to be added to Netflix, however after Disney removed all their films and moved them to their new streaming service Disney+. So, the movie is still talked about and being enjoyed by others.
But what happens to movies that aren't immediately put onto streaming services? Well, Lego Movie 2 made around $106,000,000. This movie, however, was only released onto DVD. I think that the high demand or lack of the Lego Movie affected their numbers. This would be a prime example of how the media has affected consumption. The movie wasn’t available in the hands of little ones which affected it’s “relevantly”. The movie wasn’t distributed to the pleasure of audience consumption.
Movie distribution goes hand in hand with how the audience consumes it. If the film is easily accessible, then more people will watch. Audiences will watch what's on their streaming service. Looking through the selection while bored and picking one that looks interesting maybe what does it. Furthermore, movies like Black Panther made it easy to watch. The film was a huge hit making $361 million the first week, and as soon as it was done in theaters it was on Netflix. It had to switch over to Disney’s streaming service later but the buzz about it and everyone watching it make it still popular.
Spider-Man Homecoming is another movie that adapted to the streaming world to keep the success going. The movie's exhibition was due to the high demand for already marvel fans wanting to re-watch the movie. Once out of theaters after making $880,000,000 it’s on Xfinity streaming service. This allowed for cable user to purchase the movie to watch repeatedly. However, the movie did get onto an illegal movie platform so many are finding ways to watch the movie wrongfully. Illegally downloading movies is a way of consumption that has become more of a recent strategy, but hackers are finding ways to watch their favorite movies too.
Movie consumption has primarily changed over to in-home streaming the past few years. The companies that change with it and allow their movies to be on any streaming platform seem to stay more relevant and a household name. The consumption has changed over time for the better because it's all in our hands and easily shared.

Friday, April 24, 2020

24 Extract

The point of view from the writer’s perspective is that not having trust, can lead to problems when working together. An example would be the character going against the other as he states, “I don’t know if I can trust you.” This was then examined with another series of events that followed the problems of the two working together.
In the first scene, there is shot reverse shots between the close up of characters worried and glaring at each other. The background ambient noise also adds to the tension with the anticipation about who’s going to speak first. Then him sliding a paper across the table gets a tracking shot which leads into the introduction of the other character.
The next dialogue between the two begins with an over the shoulder shot that identifies who’s talking. The tone and setting also contribute to the tension since both are in an enclosed room with one spotlighting on them to fill the darkroom. The two characters start to disagree on where one should go. Then he later reveals he doesn’t trust her and thinks she has an underlying plan against him, and he wants to know details she’s not sharing.
Following a dramatic scene where walls are hit, tables are flipped and the close up of the characters talking very closely adds to the tension and fear that she’s in since he’s so close. We also get a cut to office people viewing the two in the room from a camera, with workers analyzing the scene. This then cuts back to the room where two are still sitting there with anticipation
Next, there is a tracking shot where he grabs her with a close up her face, the background noise then increases to add to the scene. A split-screen appears as the office workers scramble to the room to save her.
Once they enter the room an eye-level shot of the workers exclaiming at him to go away as they escort him out. The close reaction shot follows which shows the distress the character is in. This then ends the scene with a fade to signify it.
The mood overall would be tension, and it makes you feel like you’re in a small space and stuck there. The director completed the vision of an untrustworthy situation that lead to greater tension and disagreements.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Go Away CCR

Due to the pandemic, I was unable to film it like a one on one interview, here's the best I could do

Go Away (Final Film)

I am very proud of this film because it combined all of the skills we learned. It was filmed, edited, and reviewed just like the process of a real film. I'm especially proud of the time management and organization we had as a team to get the filming done as well as editing before we all couldn't see each other.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Music Video CCR

After compleating our music video, we reflected critically on how we developed.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

I Lived Music Video

This was the second project that we filmed as a group. This project was special to me because it was the first time we were able to film off of campus. As well as giving us an idea of how we needed to manage things before our final project. I'm really proud of this film because of the angles and sunset scene that we got on the beach. I also really like how natural this was to film because we were actually having fun, and that's what we wanted the mood to be.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Dunkin Commercial

This was our first project as a group. I think that this is a prime example to show how much we have grown and how we've gotten better at doing things more efficiently as well as our skills improving. This project was significant to me because it made me realize not only how much work has to be put into a project, but also how fun it can be. It was great that it was all of our first time shooting a project and was definitely a learning experience.