Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Editing Blog: Exporting

The final step for our movie has come. We are exporting the first draft of our film. Since adding the titles we tweaked a few details. We looked at the coloring of the video as well as adjusting the audio. We added in our song "Medicine" by daughter and overlapped that with our audio.  For the audio whenever there was dialogue the background music got quieter while the character was talking. Another minor detail we fixed was when the music started. And it starts 8 seconds into the film with a fade-in. We chose to do this because the film starts with characters talking and we figured the light music can fade in as the characters start to fight. This was an important detail to consider because it sets the mood of the film.
After re-watching and correcting details and fixing mistakes we thought it was time to export. Since the export quality wasn't too high this only took a couple minutes.  Exporting the movie is saving it onto my laptop. Since this our first draft and to be safe our film will still be in our editing software. This will ensure our film will reach our audience and can be kept somewhere. Our general audience will be viewing our film on a computer. To get our film to our audience we are sharing it onto a flash drive. Since this will ensure and laptop/ computer can open the file and access the project. We are saving it onto a flash drive to make sure the file is safe and can be accessed on any computer. This was the final step and now the first draft of our project is ready to be viewed by an auidence.

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